__________________________________________ How to install SVXLink on Raspberry Pi __________________________________________ # by WA8KIM / kim@kim125.com / EchoLink: WA8KIM-R / WiRESs-X: Rm#21149 / Last updated 03/20/2016. # http://www.wa8kim.com/rpi.html # Thanks to MANY uncredited contributers. # Best viewed in Notepad with Word Wrap OFF/UNCHECKED and in full screen Download the latest version of this file at: http://www.wa8kim.com/files/(RPi)%20Install%20-%20SVXLink.txt ################################################################################################################################# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~~~~ (OPTIONAL: MODIFY THIS .txt FILE FOR YOUR SETTINGS ) ~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # - By changing the text in this file, it will set the priority config settings. # # - You will still want to manually change the location settings in the config files. # # Using Notepad, edit the following 'Config Settings' text in this document using ->Edit->Replace [CTRL-H] to match your system.# # - You ** MUST USE THE REPLACE feature ** so that it changes all the config files in this .txt document. # # - You could make a copy of this .txt document for each of your RPi systems if preferred. # # Using Notepad, REPLACE the following Settings: (The following will set the priority settings. There is MUCH more you can config, if desired) # (You can manually edit the config files instead of doing this [find & replace] section) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # On THIS computer, press [CTRL-H] or click on (Edit) and (Replace) # # - A window titled "Replace" will pop up. Perform all the following replacements. # # # # Find what: alsa:plughw:1 Replace with: alsa:plughw:1 # Change to your audio device, if different # # Find what: WA8KIM-R Replace with: your-call # Change to your Echolink call sign # # Find what: PASSWORD=yourpassword Replace with: PASSWORD=yourpassword # Change to your Echolink login password # # Find what: CTCSS=100.0 Replace with: CTCSS=100.0 # Change to your reported CTCSS # # Find what: SYSOPNAME=WA8KIM.com "Kim" Replace with: SYSOPNAME=yourname # Change to your sysop display name # # Find what: LOCATION=Eagle, MI USA Replace with: LOCATION=yourlocation # Change to your location # ################################################################################################################################# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installing PuTTY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --== PuTTY allows you to remotely connect to your RPi. By using PuTTY, you can copy-and-paste from this text file into your RPi. ==-- --== Use of PuTTY or some other SSH program to highly recommended. A simple typo can cause your RPi to not work ==-- - Download and install PuTTY on your Windows PC from: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html - Run PuTTY Hostname is your RPi's IP address. (you can type 'ifconfig' on your RPi to display your IP address if needed) Use SSH port 22 The default login is: pi The default password is: raspberry (or use your password if you changed the deafult one) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installing SVXLink ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Download and install the dependencies: (2016-03-20 Note: libgcrypt11 libgcrypt11-dev was replaced with libgcrypt-dev on the following command) sudo apt-get install libgsm1 libgsm1-dev sigc++ libsigc++-1.2-5c2 libsigc++-1.2-dev libpopt0 libpopt-dev tcl8.4 tcl8.4-dev g++ subversion patch mutt libqt3-mt libqt3-mt-dev libqt3-headers libgcrypt-dev libspeex1 libspeex-dev libboost-dev libasound2 libasound2-dev 2. Download SVXLink cd /usr/src sudo wget https://github.com/sm0svx/svxlink/archive/14.08.tar.gz sudo tar xvf 14.08.tar.gz sudo rm 14.08.tar.gz sudo mv svxlink-14.08 svxlink 3. Create the user "SVXLink" sudo adduser svxlink 4. Install SVXLink cd /usr/src/svxlink/src sudo make sudo make install 5. Download and install sounds: cd /home/pi wget https://github.com/sm0svx/svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather/releases/download/14.08/svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather-16k-13.12.tar.bz2 tar xvf svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather-16k-13.12.tar.bz2 sudo mkdir /usr/share/svxlink/sounds/en_US sudo cp -a en_US-heather-16k/* /usr/share/svxlink/sounds/en_US rm svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather-16k-13.12.tar.bz2 rm -r en_US-heather-16k 6. Adjust and Determine aduio levels for SVXLink sudo alsamixer - Press [F6] to and select your USB sound card - Press [F5] to view all volume settings in one screen - use the up/arrow to tune the volume, right/left to move between speaker and mic sliders - If the slider has MM underneath them, it means that they're muted, press 'M' to unmute - Write down your dB volume settings and enter them in the following script 7. To Skip Login (Automatically log in as user 'pi') sudo nano /etc/inittab ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comment out the following line: #1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 115200 tty1 # Add the following line instead: 1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f pi tty1 /dev/tty1 2>&1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. The following will autostart SVXLink upon system boot. The /etc/rc.local file is RPi's version of MSDOS's autoexec.bat. sudo nano /etc/rc.local Add the following before the 'exit 0' line: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Starting SvxLink Repeater Controller at `date`" sudo svxlink echo "Finsihed SvxLink at `date`" exit 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. To keep the screen from blanking after 15 minutes: sudo nano /etc/kbd/config ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Change the two following lines BLANK_TIME=0 POWERDOWN_TIME=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sudo /etc/init.d/kbd restart 10. Modify the SVXLink Config Files ls /dev/tty* #Displays all your serial ports. Write down which one is your USB serial adapter, such as ttyS0 #You may have to unplug your USB serial port and compare to determine which is your USB serial port. sudo nano /etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf - Edit the callsign, internet connection type: eth0 (Cat-5 LAN), wlan0 (WiFi) - Set AUDIO_DEV=alsa:plughw:1 (under Rx1 & Tx1) #Your sound card ID - Set AUDIO_CHANNEL:1 (Under Rx1) #Your Left channel - Set AUDIO_CHANNEL:2 (Under Tx1) #Your Microphone Input - Set SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyS0 (Under Rx1) #Select your USB serial adapter as COS - Set PTT_PORT=/dev/ttyS0 (Under Tx1) #Selects your USB serial adapter for PTT sudo nano /etc/svxlink/svxlink.d/ModuleEchoLink.conf #edit the callsign - use sysop -L callsign, password, sysop, location and description sudo reboot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MODIFY CONFIG FILES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sudo rm /etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf sudo nano /etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### # # # Configuration file for the SvxLink server # # # ############################################################################### [GLOBAL] MODULE_PATH=/usr/lib/svxlink LOGICS=SimplexLogic CFG_DIR=svxlink.d TIMESTAMP_FORMAT="%c" CARD_SAMPLE_RATE=48000 #LOCATION_INFO=LocationInfo #LINKS=LinkToR4 [SimplexLogic] TYPE=Simplex RX=Rx1 TX=Tx1 MODULES=ModuleHelp,ModuleParrot,ModuleEchoLink,ModuleTclVoiceMail CALLSIGN=WA8KIM-R SHORT_IDENT_INTERVAL=10 LONG_IDENT_INTERVAL=0 IDENT_ONLY_AFTER_TX=4 #EXEC_CMD_ON_SQL_CLOSE=500 EVENT_HANDLER=/usr/share/svxlink/events.tcl DEFAULT_LANG=en_US RGR_SOUND_DELAY=-1 REPORT_CTCSS=100.0 #TX_CTCSS=ALWAYS MACROS=Macros FX_GAIN_NORMAL=6 FX_GAIN_LOW=-3 #ACTIVATE_MODULE_ON_LONG_CMD=4:EchoLink #QSO_RECORDER=8:QsoRecorder #ONLINE_CMD=998877 #MUTE_RX_ON_TX=1 #MUTE_TX_ON_RX=1 [RepeaterLogic] TYPE=Repeater RX=Rx1 TX=Tx1 MODULES=ModuleHelp,ModuleParrot,ModuleEchoLink,ModuleTclVoiceMail CALLSIGN=WA8KIM-R SHORT_IDENT_INTERVAL=10 LONG_IDENT_INTERVAL=0 #IDENT_ONLY_AFTER_TX=4 #EXEC_CMD_ON_SQL_CLOSE=500 EVENT_HANDLER=/usr/share/svxlink/events.tcl DEFAULT_LANG=en_US RGR_SOUND_DELAY=0 REPORT_CTCSS=100.0 #TX_CTCSS=SQL_OPEN MACROS=Macros #SEL5_MACRO_RANGE=03400,03499 FX_GAIN_NORMAL=0 FX_GAIN_LOW=-12 #QSO_RECORDER=8:QsoRecorder #NO_REPEAT=1 IDLE_TIMEOUT=30 OPEN_ON_1750=1000 #OPEN_ON_CTCSS=136:2000 #OPEN_ON_DTMF=* #OPEN_ON_SQL=5000 #OPEN_ON_SEL5=01234 #OPEN_SQL_FLANK=OPEN #OPEN_ON_SQL_AFTER_RPT_CLOSE=10 IDLE_SOUND_INTERVAL=3000 #SQL_FLAP_SUP_MIN_TIME=1000 #SQL_FLAP_SUP_MAX_COUNT=10 #ACTIVATE_MODULE_ON_LONG_CMD=4:EchoLink #IDENT_NAG_TIMEOUT=15 #IDENT_NAG_MIN_TIME=2000 #ONLINE_CMD=998877 [LinkToR4] CONNECT_LOGICS=RepeaterLogic:94:SK3AB,SimplexLogic:92:SK3CD #DEFAULT_ACTIVE=1 TIMEOUT=300 #AUTOACTIVATE_ON_SQL=RepeaterLogic [Macros] 1=EchoLink:9999# 2=WA8KIM:8125# 3=K8VEB:4125# 9=Parrot:0123456789# 03400=EchoLink:9999# [QsoRecorder] REC_DIR=/var/spool/svxlink/qso_recorder #MIN_TIME=1000 MAX_TIME=3600 SOFT_TIME=300 MAX_DIRSIZE=1024 #DEFAULT_ACTIVE=1 #TIMEOUT=300 #QSO_TIMEOUT=300 #ENCODER_CMD=/usr/bin/oggenc -Q \"%f\" && rm \"%f\" [Voter] TYPE=Voter RECEIVERS=Rx1,Rx2,Rx3 VOTING_DELAY=200 BUFFER_LENGTH=0 #REVOTE_INTERVAL=1000 #HYSTERESIS=50 #SQL_CLOSE_REVOTE_DELAY=500 #RX_SWITCH_DELAY=500 [MultiTx] TYPE=Multi TRANSMITTERS=Tx1,Tx2,Tx3 [NetRx] TYPE=Net HOST=remote.rx.host TCP_PORT=5210 AUTH_KEY="Change this key now!" CODEC=S16 #SPEEX_ENC_FRAMES_PER_PACKET=4 #SPEEX_ENC_QUALITY=4 #SPEEX_ENC_BITRATE=15000 #SPEEX_ENC_COMPLEXITY=2 #SPEEX_ENC_VBR=0 #SPEEX_ENC_VBR_QUALITY=4 #SPEEX_ENC_ABR=15000 #SPEEX_DEC_ENHANCER=1 #OPUS_ENC_FRAME_SIZE=20 #OPUS_ENC_COMPLEXITY=10 #OPUS_ENC_BITRATE=20000 #OPUS_ENC_VBR=1 [NetTx] TYPE=Net HOST=remote.tx.host TCP_PORT=5210 AUTH_KEY="Change this key now!" CODEC=S16 #SPEEX_ENC_FRAMES_PER_PACKET=4 #SPEEX_ENC_QUALITY=4 #SPEEX_ENC_BITRATE=15000 #SPEEX_ENC_COMPLEXITY=2 #SPEEX_ENC_VBR=0 #SPEEX_ENC_VBR_QUALITY=4 #SPEEX_ENC_ABR=15000 #SPEEX_DEC_ENHANCER=1 #OPUS_ENC_FRAME_SIZE=20 #OPUS_ENC_COMPLEXITY=10 #OPUS_ENC_BITRATE=20000 #OPUS_ENC_VBR=1 [Rx1] TYPE=Local AUDIO_DEV=alsa:plughw:1 AUDIO_CHANNEL=0 SQL_DET=SERIAL SQL_START_DELAY=0 SQL_DELAY=0 SQL_HANGTIME=2000 #SQL_EXTENDED_HANGTIME=1000 #SQL_EXTENDED_HANGTIME_THRESH=15 #SQL_TIMEOUT=600 VOX_FILTER_DEPTH=20 VOX_THRESH=1000 #CTCSS_MODE=2 CTCSS_FQ=100.0 #CTCSS_SNR_OFFSET=0 #CTCSS_OPEN_THRESH=15 #CTCSS_CLOSE_THRESH=9 #CTCSS_BPF_LOW=60 #CTCSS_BPF_HIGH=270 SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 SERIAL_PIN=CTS #SERIAL_SET_PINS=DTR!RTS #EVDEV_DEVNAME=/dev/input/by-id/usb-SYNIC_SYNIC_Wireless_Audio-event-if03 #EVDEV_OPEN=1,163,1 #EVDEV_CLOSE=1,163,0 #GPIO_SQL_PIN=gpio30 #PTY_PATH=/tmp/rx1_sql #SIGLEV_DET=TONE SIGLEV_SLOPE=1 SIGLEV_OFFSET=0 #SIGLEV_BOGUS_THRESH=120 #TONE_SIGLEV_MAP=100,84,60,50,37,32,28,23,19,8 SIGLEV_OPEN_THRESH=30 SIGLEV_CLOSE_THRESH=10 DEEMPHASIS=0 #SQL_TAIL_ELIM=300 #PREAMP=6 PEAK_METER=1 DTMF_DEC_TYPE=INTERNAL DTMF_MUTING=1 DTMF_HANGTIME=100 DTMF_SERIAL=/dev/ttyS0 #DTMF_PTY=/tmp/rx1_dtmf #DTMF_MAX_FWD_TWIST=8 #DTMF_MAX_REV_TWIST=4 #1750_MUTING=1 #SEL5_DEC_TYPE=INTERNAL #SEL5_TYPE=ZVEI1 [Tx1] TYPE=Local AUDIO_DEV=alsa:plughw:1 AUDIO_CHANNEL=1 PTT_TYPE=SerialPin PTT_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 PTT_PIN=DTRRTS #SERIAL_SET_PINS=DTR!RTS #PTT_HANGTIME=1000 TIMEOUT=300 TX_DELAY=500 #CTCSS_FQ=100.0 #CTCSS_LEVEL=9 PREEMPHASIS=0 DTMF_TONE_LENGTH=100 DTMF_TONE_SPACING=50 DTMF_TONE_AMP=-18 [LocationInfo] #APRS_SERVER_LIST=euro.aprs2.net:14580 #STATUS_SERVER_LIST=aprs.echolink.org:5199 #LON_POSITION=12.10.00E #LAT_POSITION=51.10.00N #CALLSIGN=WA8KIM-R #FREQUENCY=446.100 #TX_POWER=4 #ANTENNA_GAIN=0 #ANTENNA_HEIGHT=5m #ANTENNA_DIR=-1 PATH=WIDE1-1 BEACON_INTERVAL=10 #TONE=136 COMMENT=SvxLink by SM0SVX (svxlink.sourceforge.net) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sudo rm /etc/svxlink/svxlink.d/ModuleEchoLink.conf sudo nano /etc/svxlink/svxlink.d/ModuleEchoLink.conf ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ModuleEchoLink] NAME=EchoLink ID=2 TIMEOUT=120 #ALLOW_IP= #DROP_INCOMING=^()$ #REJECT_INCOMING=^()$ #ACCEPT_INCOMING=^(.*)$ #REJECT_OUTGOING=^()$ #ACCEPT_OUTGOING=^(.*)$ #REJECT_CONF=0 #CHECK_NR_CONNECTS=2,300,120 SERVERS=servers.echolink.org CALLSIGN=WA8KIM-R PASSWORD=yourpassword SYSOPNAME=WA8KIM.com "Kim" LOCATION=Eagle, MI USA #PROXY_SERVER=your.proxy.com #PROXY_PORT=8100 #PROXY_PASSWORD=proxypassword #BIND_ADDR= MAX_QSOS=10 MAX_CONNECTIONS=11 #LINK_IDLE_TIMEOUT=300 #AUTOCON_ECHOLINK_ID=8125 #AUTOCON_TIME=30 #USE_GSM_ONLY=1 #DEFAULT_LANG=en_US #DESCRIPTION="You have connected to a SvxLink node,\n" # "a voice services system for Linux with EchoLink\n" # "support.\n" # "Check out http://svxlink.sf.net/ for more info\n" # "\n" # "QTH: My_QTH\n" # "QRG: Simplex link on ???.??? MHz\n" # "CTCSS: My_CTCSS_fq_if_any Hz\n" # "Trx: My_transceiver_type\n" # "Antenna: My_antenna_brand/type/model\n" DESCRIPTION="Welcome to the WA8KIM Echolink node on Raspberry Pi,/n" "\n" "QTH: Eagle, Michigan USA\n" "QRG: Simplex link on 446.100 MHz\n" "CTCSS: 100.0 Hz\n" "Trx: Baofeng BF-888S at 4 watts\n" "Antenna: Tram mobile antenna in my attic.\n" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ CONGRATS!!!! You're done! (The following are optional) ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installing Screen (OPTIONAL but recommended) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The program, Screen, or GUI Screen, is a program that allows multiple command line desktops. - Screen allows you to view the activity of your SVXLink when you login via SSH. - Without screen, you can only view SVXLink's activity via viewing the log files. 1. Download and install Screen sudo apt-get install screen 2. Modify the rc.local file to start SVXLink in a 'screen' named 'svxlink'. # Replace the line, 'sudo svxlink' with the following sudo nano /etc/rc.local ------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Starting SvxLink Repeater Controller at `date`" sudo screen -dmS "svxlink" svxlink echo "To view SVXLink activity, type 'el'" echo "- To exit, type '[CTRL-A] then d' to detach" echo "To view Wifi manager, type 'wifi'" exit 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Create a shortcut to go to the svxlink screen by simply typing 'el' from any folder. # The line '#!/bin/bash' at the beginning tells the RPi what program to run the script with. BASH is the program most often used. # By placing the file in the '/usr/local/bin' folder, it can be run from any folder. sudo nano /usr/local/bin/el ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/bash sudo screen -x svxlink ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The 'chmod +x' command makes the file executable. sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/el 4. Edit the Message Of The Day (MOTD) to display the instructions whenever someone logs in: # The /etc/motd file is displayed whenever someone connects. sudo nano /etc/motd - Remove contents (Erase the entire document) # The /etc/init.d/motd file erases any temporary motd messages upon reboot and sets it back to default. We want to disable this feature. sudo nano /etc/init.d/motd - Comment out: uname -snrvm > /var/run/motd.dynamic (Meaning, place a # in front of uname -s....) sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config - Change from "PrintLastLog yes" to "PrintLastLog no" (toward the end of the file) # Next, we will create a new script that will display whenever someone logs in. # After typing the following command, the screen will be blank. Copy-and-paste all the content between the long lines of dashes. sudo nano /etc/motd.tcl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $(tput setaf 2)--------------------------------------------------------------- WELCOME TO WA8KIM-R's SVXLink Server on Raspberry Pi... --------------------------------------------------------------- $(tput setaf 1)To view SVXLink activity, type '$(tput setaf 3)el$(tput setaf 1)' - To exit the SVXLink screen, type '$(tput setaf 3)[CTRL-A] $(tput setaf 1)then $(tput setaf 3)d$(tput setaf 1)' to detach ---------------------------------------------------------------$(tput sgr0)" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installing Wifi Manager (OPTIONAL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - If you plan to use Wifi, I recommend installing WICD-Curses. Go to my website to download the instructions: http://www.wa8kim.com/rpi.html __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAMPLE CONFIG FILES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WA8KIM's Sample sudo nano /etc/inittab ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /etc/inittab: init(8) configuration. # $Id: inittab,v 1.91 2002/01/25 13:35:21 miquels Exp $ # The default runlevel. id:2:initdefault: # Boot-time system configuration/initialization script. # This is run first except when booting in emergency (-b) mode. si::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS # What to do in single-user mode. ~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin # /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change # of runlevel. # # Runlevel 0 is halt. # Runlevel 1 is single-user. # Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user. # Runlevel 6 is reboot. l0:0:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 0 l1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 1 l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2 l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3 l4:4:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 4 l5:5:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 5 l6:6:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 6 # Normally not reached, but fallthrough in case of emergency. z6:6:respawn:/sbin/sulogin # What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed. ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now # Action on special keypress (ALT-UpArrow). #kb::kbrequest:/bin/echo "Keyboard Request--edit /etc/inittab to let this work." # What to do when the power fails/returns. pf::powerwait:/etc/init.d/powerfail start pn::powerfailnow:/etc/init.d/powerfail now po::powerokwait:/etc/init.d/powerfail stop # /sbin/getty invocations for the runlevels. # # The "id" field MUST be the same as the last # characters of the device (after "tty"). # # Format: # ::: # # Note that on most Debian systems tty7 is used by the X Window System, # so if you want to add more getty's go ahead but skip tty7 if you run X. # # 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty --noclear 38400 tty1 1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f pi tty1 /dev/tty1 2>&1 2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2 3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3 4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4 5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5 6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6 # Example how to put a getty on a serial line (for a terminal) # #T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100 #T1:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS1 9600 vt100 # Example how to put a getty on a modem line. # #T3:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x0 -s 57600 ttyS3 #Spawn a getty on Raspberry Pi serial line T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WA8KIM's Sample sudo nano /etc/rc.local ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh -e # # rc.local # # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel. # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other # value on error. # # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution # bits. # # By default this script does nothing. # Print the IP address # su -l pi -c "startx &" _IP=$(hostname -I) || true if [ "$_IP" ]; then printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP" fi echo -n "Setting TX Gain: " amixer -q set PCM -10dB && echo "OK" || echo "Fail" #Change the output dB level echo -n "Setting RX Gain: " amixer -q set Mic 10dB && echo "OK" || echo "Fail" #Change the microphone dB level echo "Starting SvxLink Repeater Controller at `date`" sudo svxlink echo "Finsihed SvxLink at `date`" exit 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WA8KIM's Sample sudo nano /etc/kbd/config ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This files tells the 'kbd' package: # # - whether to load a specific font and boot (and maybe a screen-font map, # but you should avoid that if possible). # - whether to setup an Application-Charset Map other than the default CP437. # - whether to do screen saver/DPMS settings # - whether to change the keyboard rate/delay or the state of the # keyboard indicators # - whether to show a clock # # You can also specify per-VC settings by suffixing variable names as in # the examples below. This only works on framebuffer devices. # # For consistency with the configuration file of console-tools the # following variables and their _vcN versions are also supported: # SCREEN_FONT, SCREEN_FONT_MAP and APP_CHARSET_MAP. # # # Example: # #CONSOLE_FONT=iso01.f16 #CONSOLE_FONT_vc2=LatArCyrHeb-16 # #CONSOLE_MAP=iso05 #CONSOLE_MAP_vc2=user # # Set the following - more euro-friendly default than kernel font. #CONSOLE_FONT=latarcyrheb-sun16.psf # Forget this one unless you _know_ it is necessary for your font: #FONT_MAP=iso01 # **** screen saver/DPMS settings: all VCs **** # These settings are commented by default to avoid the chance of damage to # very old monitors that don't support DPMS signalling. # screen blanking timeout. monitor remains on, but the screen is cleared to # range: 0-60 min (0==never) kernels I've looked at default to 10 minutes. # (see linux/drivers/char/console.c) BLANK_TIME=0 # blanking method (VESA DPMS mode to use after BLANK_TIME, before powerdown): # on: the default, no DPMS signalling. near instant powerup, no power saving # vsync: DPMS Standby mode. nearly instant recovery, uses 110/120W (17" screen) # hsync: DPMS Suspend mode. typically 3s recovery, uses 15/120W (17" screen) # powerdown,off: DPMS Off mode, typ. 10s recovery, uses 5/120W (17" screen) # Those values are for my 17" Mag, but some monitors do suspend the same as # standby. xset dpms force {off|standby|suspend|on} is useful for this, if X # supports DPMS on your video card. Set X's DPMS screensaver with xset dpms # or use option power_saver in XF86Config # # DPMS set by default to on, because hsync can cause problems on certain # hardware, such as Armada E500 laptops BLANK_DPMS=off # Powerdown time. The console will go to DPMS Off mode POWERDOWN_TIME # minutes _after_ blanking. (POWERDOWN_TIME + BLANK_TIME after the last input) POWERDOWN_TIME=0 # rate and delay can get only specific values, consult kbdrate(1) for help #KEYBOARD_RATE="30" #KEYBOARD_DELAY="250" # Turn on numlock by default #LEDS=+num # Display a clock in the right upper corner of the console by running vcstime #DO_VCSTIME=yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- REVISION HISTORY -------------------- 2016-03-20 Updated install script for libgcrypt-dev (the old link is appearantly dead). Thanks Adrian G1KEA. 2015-08-24 Updated Download Link 2015-03-26 File Created