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Yaesu's WiRES-X System is a network linking system which supports analog and digital communication.

- Links analog and digital users across the world-wide network of repeaters and nodes (simplex radio links)
- Allows for digital content: photos, text messages, QSL cards, voice messages, etc. in nodes/rooms.
- Relatively easy to setup software and hardware. Mostly plug-and-play.
- Can connect nodes and/or rooms together. Allows for group conversations or relatively private/small conversations.
- Allows for repeater links to be hosted off-site. (No need for internet at top of a mountain, but requires a user to dedicate an FTM-400DR or FTM-100DR for digital WiRES-X use, or most any mobile radio for analog use).
- Allows for a national/worldwide calling frequency that will automatically change the user and the node radios to a less-common frequency, thus freeing up the calling frequency.
- Live world-wide database updating available over-the-air
- Reasonably priced at only $129.95 for the HRI-200 device.
- WiRES-X can be connected directly to a DR1X repeater in analog (digital to be supported in near future) to privide worldwide repeater linking via the internet.
- WiRES-X can also be connected to most any repeater for analog worldwide repeater linking via the internet
My Base Station Digital Node
(Picture outdated: The LIVA is now on the repeater)
1. Yaesu FTM-100DR (Digital Only) on 144.250MHz simplex
       - 20 watts using a Comet CX-333 antenna in attic.
2. Yaesu SMB-201 Desktop Cooling Fan keeps the unit cool.
3. Yaesu HRI-200 WIRES-X modem
4. An older Toshiba laptop running Windows 10.

My Mobile Node
(Shared equipment with Home Digital Node)
1. Yaesu FTM-400DR
2. HRI-200 WiRES-X modem
3. WinBook TW700
       - running Win10, OpenVPN, & WiRES-X.
My WiRES-X Nodes:
My repeater's node:
- Room: WA8KIM-RPT (21149), Node: WA8KIM-ND (11149).
- The K8VEB repeater (11013) is usually linked with my room (21149).
My base station node:
- Room: WA8KIM-KIM (21258), Node: WA8KIM-KIM (11258)
My mobile node:
- Room: WA8KIM-MBL (21518), Node: WA8KIM-MBL (11518)
My repeater's DV4mini node:
- Slot 72 (C4FM FCS001-72)
Page last updated: January 9, 2017 (Updated WiRES-X Net  Room & Time)

WiRES-X Weekly Net on Saturday evenings at 9:00pm EST , 6:00PM PST in Room #21080 America Link

Click HERE for more information and to listen to archives of the net.

WiRES-X Notes:
  • Calling Freq. for WiRES-X Nodes: 145.69 MHz